Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Pierre Huyghe in "Romance"

Pierre Huyghe is certainly an interesting artist with a very imaginative mind when it comes to his art. He thinks in terms of changing reality and creating something new, instead of documenting actual reality. When he talks about creating new worlds, and producing another reality, your mind almost goes to the supernatural. But Huyghe’s work is very close to reality in the sense that it isn’t hard to place yourself in it.
It’s always interesting to hear artists talk about what they want their art to provoke, and Huyghe mentioned that he wants people to experience emotion with his art, and less about the actual narration. I think when it comes to art work like Huyghe’s, people will look at it and want an answer to what it means, but Huyghe doesn’t want you to think about the art, but rather to place yourself in it, or try to feel a connection to it.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Raul Cuero Interview

I really liked Cuero’s argument on creativity, and how it’s more about the way you react with nature rather than your skills in art and problem solving. I think it ties with the idea of learning by doing, and not just learning by reading or taking instructions. I tend to forget most things after I’ve taken a math class, and I think that’s because it’s all about reading and taking instructions on how to solve the problems. I also think interest plays an important factor in learning something, which is probably why math never sticks with me. Cuero also talked about how important it is to enjoy the process of reaching a goal, and how being focused without the fear of failing is just as important. I tend to stress a lot when I’m trying to reach a goal and I worry too much about the results that I completely forget to focus on the actual process.